This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

shibuya (aka shiBUYA!)

well if anyone has seen images of Japan and the large number of people walking on the streets of Tokyo they probably saw a pic of this intersection. it is fairly famous and for good reason. when the light turns green you basically have 100-300 people crossing the street in all directions. we were there at night and it was crazy. marlito and i went back the next day and took some pics. they kinda show the craziness. this was on a weekday afternoon so it wasn't as busy.


Blogger Unknown said...

Fun, I just came back to your blog and discovered the magic of archives! Yay archives. I can't believe a blog you just started has archives, it hardly seems fair.

Anyway, who's that on the yellow billboard in the background? It kind of looks like Ziyi Zhang, but I'm not 100% sure.

11/06/2005 11:16 a.m.

Blogger chaz said...

yes, that is her. there is this big ad campaign right now about "asian beauty" hair products.

11/10/2005 9:38 a.m.


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