This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

intergalactic communication

ok, so this statue was in the garden by Roppongi Hills and it is supposed to be this great alien that can talk to all living creatures in the universe using the antennae on his head. and surrounding him are his 4 guardians. they all had names and different features but i can't remember anything of note. Marlito said it was one of the most hideous things she had ever seen but i think it is interesting. it just didn't fit in with the surroundings. oh, and the thing that the big guy is sitting on is a toad with over 100 eyes. apparently this sculpture is by some famous Japanese artist and this kind of colour scheme and the use of multiple eyes are his usual calling cards. let me know what you think.


Blogger Unknown said...

The base is a toad? It looks like a giant drum to me.

And what I think is that this rules. There should be more intergalactic emmisary statues around don't you think?

All hail the Japanese for their sense of whimsy. There's not enough whimsy over here that's for sure. I demand more whimsy!

11/06/2005 11:21 a.m.

Blogger chaz said...

marlito wanted to puke from all the whimsy

11/10/2005 9:40 a.m.


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