This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Go ninja, Go ninja, GO!

So growing up you might say that I had a certain fondness for ninjas. Not so much as a former friend of mine who may have actually thought he was a ninja (Km, you know who I'm talking about).
Anyways, so I really liked ninjas and I think more than once I dressed up as one for Halloween. So this year I was invited to a costume party and thought it would be pretty cool to pay homage to my childhood and become a silent assassin once again. Only this time with a slight twist.


Blogger bag marla said...

I still think you should have had a candy belly, but that's just me. I mean, why stuff your outfit with a pillow when you could stuff it with candy?!

11/07/2008 9:35 a.m.

Blogger Unknown said...

If only you could have gone as a silver purple dragon ninja...

Good show nonetheless!

11/17/2008 5:23 p.m.


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