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Thursday, November 03, 2005

nikku-man (you better eat your pork)

in Japan i have come across a tasty snack that i wish existed in Canada. it is basically a hot, sweet bun filled with a pork stew like mixture. it is originally from China but the people here have embraced it and adapted it to fit Japanese tastes. you can get all sorts of different flavours and they are available at almost any convenience store (along with everything else you could ever want). but it Kobe, in the chinatown area, there was a whole restaurant specializing in this food. and this was the statue greeting people at the door. a pig that is basically saying, "hey, come on in and eat me! i'm delicious and steaming!"


Blogger chelle said...

oh my, i'd sure love a pizza-man right about now!

11/04/2005 5:28 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, the pizza ones are so good... oh japan, how i will miss the food when i leave!

11/05/2005 2:42 a.m.


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