This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fall Formal = Fun, Filling, and Fantastic

Well I got home from the formal a little while ago and I just couldn't wait to write about it. I had soooo much fun and everything was great. The evening started off with a delicious supper buffet at the Ramada. The highlights of the meal would have to have been the roasted new potatoes and the roast beef served with au juice. After supper we settled into the videos. The 1st year ladies went first and their video was really well done. I don't have a copy of it yet so I won't say much about it until a later time. I'll summarize by saying that they had a survivor theme and had 4 teams of 8 girls competing in various school related races.

Next came our video. It rocked the pants off the gathered masses and you can see it below. I laugh so hard each time I watch it and it just gets better every time. I hope people who aren't in PT can appreciate it. If you are a fan of the movie 300 I'm sure that would help too.

Then we had a few speeches from staff and a short video/power point presentation from one of our profs. She did such a good job and it was sweet and funny. I really love our faculty.

Finally came the 2nd years video introducing the staff. Well they pulled out all the stops and made a feature film. It was 30 minutes long! It even had a preview for a different horror movie. The basic premise was these two mexican immigrant talk show hosts interviewing the various staff. They would ask questions and then cut to clips of the faculty answering completely other questions. It was hilarious and well done but seemed a bit long. We'll have to do something much better next year.
My cheeks are still sore from so much smiling and laughing.

After all that they opened up the dance floor and we partied hardy. I didn't have a camera so I will post pictures once I get some. In the meantime I hope you enjoy The Men of Physio - Class of 2010.


Blogger bag marla said...


11/24/2008 7:43 p.m.


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