This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Friday, February 06, 2009

class gets a little out of control

so a few more comments coming out of my Pathology class. it is always interesting.....

- looking at the start of stem cells, from the fertilization of the egg by sperm - "This is how life begins after........... the act of pleasure."

- on how her son has to write a school report about his first kiss - "I don't know how things are around here, so I asked my Caucasian friends, Mitch and Glen."

- more talk about 'first kisses' - "You all remember your first encounter, that first time is the best, the most memorable. Well maybe not the best."

- showing a diagram of colon cancer - "In a colonoscopy you go in through........ the ass."

- discussing a friend who had a lump removed from her breast and then her daughters had gene tests for the same cancer gene - "... these beautiful, well endowed girls with full breasts (makes gesture over chest), what are they supposed to do if the test comes back positive?"

- telling a story about how her husband got a speeding ticket in his new jaguar - "It was a beautiful summer day, not a sausage on the road."

- talking to a classmate who revealed that he has a new girlfriend - "The big day is coming up over the break, so don't blow it."

- discussing how damage happens in the DNA - "Free radicals cause damage ... oh yes, by the way name, how is your new girlfriend?"

- talking about the natural life cycle and preprogrammed cell death - "There are 3 questions when we are born; Where, When, Why and How are we going to die?"

- discussing cancer cell migration - "How many people here are married? Metastasis is like moving in with your mother in law, you must survive."

- talking about gene markers for cancer - "P53, the molecule of the 20th century. If you are asked the question, 'What causes breast cancer?', 70% of the time the answer is always P53."

- asking a classmate about infection - "Have you ever had a fever?" "I've had a fever. I feel like I get a fever everytime you talk to me."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She sounds like a blast!

2/08/2009 3:33 p.m.

Blogger Unknown said...

"not a sausage on the road!" Classic!

Also, the 70% quote was also great.

2/11/2009 5:56 p.m.

Blogger bag marla said...

Oh man, so much gold!

2/23/2009 9:15 p.m.


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