This is a blog about my life. I wanted a way to include people in my life that could fit any schedule.

Monday, January 19, 2009

more great things come out of Pathology

well as promised here are a few more gems from my Pathology class

- talking about automatic responses in the body - "If you sneeze your eyes close automatically and you are blind for 30 seconds. So if you are driving and have a sneezing fit you should pull over."

- discussing terminology used in Physical Therapy - "What term do PT's use for the people they treat, do you say clients or patients?"
"We use both"
"Well do you know the use of client from olden times? Let me just say it was only used in the Red Light District"

- defining different types of bateria - "Facultative bacteria are like 18-19 year old children. They have the ability to leave home and live on their own but sometimes they come back when they need to do laundry or have a good meal."

-on the subject of names - "Tanielle, what is the origin of your name?"
"It's German"
"Really? It sounds too nice to be German."

- on the reaction of the immune system - "Don't think bigger is always better. Just like in life, what matters most is performance."

- explaining the process of Chemotaxis - "The immune cells are like us, they become activated by kissing the foreign body."

- further on about chemical attraction - "The cells are just like men. Some are attracted to blonde hair, some like big boobs, some long legs or big bums. And some just like it all."


Blogger bag marla said...

I would look forward to that class every day--your prof rules!

1/20/2009 5:28 p.m.


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