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Friday, December 05, 2008

WWJD? why he would kick Prop 8 in the @$$

as I'm sure all of my social conscious friends and family already know, Proposition 8 was snuck into the law books down south while the whole country was distracted by the election. I'm not going to go into how terrible I think it is. what i will do is put up this video made by a large number of celebrities singing about how terrible it is. I think that if more political issues were presented as show tunes there would be more educated voters and turn out would go through the roof.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


Blogger bag marla said...


12/05/2008 10:53 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great video, with a great message. I like the one about banning divorces too. I hope Californians can shake their heads now that the election is over and realize what they have done, and then fix it. The louder the opposisition, the sooner I hope this will be repealed.

12/06/2008 8:39 a.m.

Blogger Unknown said...

Did we post this at the same time? Eerie!

As to Buggy's comment. Unfortunately, the soonest we can see this put to vote again is in two years. That's the way they system down there works and is one of the largest sources of frustration for those of us who are against Prop 8. Meanwhile, we'll have to rely on fair-minded judges who would risk losing their elected position to uphold the rights of everyone...

12/06/2008 10:13 a.m.


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